To Strive, To Seek, To Find

2015 feels like a beginning of a new era. It’s hard to say why or what will change or even if it will have anything to do with dog training. I was never a very intuitive person, preferring logic over emotions, but as the 2014 is coming to a close I can feel the energies shifting.

Sometimes I get an urge to make a video. I will hear a song and it will just play on repeat in my mind until I make a video. It happens as it’s time to go to bed and makes me stay up all night. That’s what happened two nights ago… I heard All of Me by Jon Schmidt for the first time and knew I won’t sleep much that night. A quote danced on my brain “To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”. I googled it and found Ulysses by Lord Tennyson:

Come, my friends,
‘T is not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

(you can find the whole poem here)

It was such a perfect description of my state of mind, my wishes for myself and what I wish for all of you in 2015. Peace? Yes. Joy? Yes? Healthy dogs? Yes. Fun trainings? Yes. But above all, the spirit that will take you where you truly want to go. No excuses. No regrets. Give it your all. Happy new year, everybody!

Categories: Uncategorized | 18 Comments

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18 thoughts on “To Strive, To Seek, To Find

  1. joycejaskula

    I LOVE the end: “No excuses, no regrets”. What a year it’s been.
    Sending you the very best wishes for a wonderful 2015 filled with good health, good friends and good fortune. Keep blogging! So glad that i found you. Joyce

    • Thank you, Joyce! Yes, it’s been quite a year. It’s been great meeting new friends online 🙂 I look forward to seeing Buck’s and Flick’s progress through 2015 🙂

  2. The Country Cook

    I would like to wish you a very happy 2015, I am so pleased that I found your blog – after many years not doing agility
    – my current dog is a very tall leggy Rhodesian ridgeback – don’t want her jumping much – we do rally,tricks and obedience.
    – I am hoping to get a whippet puppy this spring and have found a local agility training school – with a lovely approach to training,
    So please keep writing and helping me learn!

    Bless you and your lovely canine team mates.

    • Oooh a Whippet puppy, how exciting! That’s great that you have a good agility school close by 🙂 Agility puppies have so many important things to learn – learning to play, to retrieve, focus on you and tricks, tricks, tricks. Body awareness is especially important in whippets with their speed and long legs. Backing up, frog legs, standing in a bowl with all four legs, independent rotation on the perch, targeting with feet and nose, balancing on cushions, backing up on objects, sit pretty, stand on hind feet, going from stand to sit pretty back to stand, lifting side legs, rolling a ball with front legs, riding a skateboard… You’re going to have so much fun in 2015 🙂

      • The Country Cook

        Thanks for giving me some things to learn as “starters” I will be going to watch the classes and learn what I can before I get a puppy, as I know from learning things in the past it’s hard to concentrate on the class and the puppy – if I have some clue about what I should be doing before hand I’m hoping it will make things more fun for me and the pup!
        I am still looking for the right parents for my pup – I think it’s important to wait forthe right one and not just get one that looks cute just ‘cos it’s looking for a home now 🙂
        I will work my way through your archive,

        • If you don’t mind learning online Silvia Trkman’s Puppy Class is a great start for agility career. And no problems with focusing on the class and the puppy 🙂 You would need to teach life skills and manners separately though and of course take puppy to places with other dogs to train at least occasionally so he can practice working under distractions.
          I hope you find some useful stuff in the archives. There is a post on how to pick a puppy somewhere…

          • The Country Cook

            I am reading and re reading your excellent advice about choosing a puppy and being aware of potential health problems, I am so pleased I’ve found your blog before picking a puppy, I will make sure my head rules my heart in this decision 🙂

  3. Happy New Year!! I love that poem! ❤

  4. Beautiful video! Happy new year!

  5. Laura

    Wonderful! Happy 2015 and may the journey be great and delightful! 🙂

  6. Intuition is a wonderful thing once you let it into your life. And the more you follow it the stronger it becomes. Besides, studies show that we make decisions based on emotions and justify them with logic so who knows how much logic is really involved anyway.

  7. Silke Capo

    Happy New Year! I hope you and the dogs stay healthy this year! Have a nice journey! It’s a pitty I can’t see the video. I hate GEMA, that got youtube to block videos with music for Germany 😦

    • Happy new year to you and your whippets, too 🙂 Oh, right, I intended to upload the video to vimeo, but never got around to doing it. Do you have same problems with watching videos on Vimeo or is it just YouTube?

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