No Boston Terriers Were Harmed

Trini: “Java, do you like Boston Terriers?”
Java: “Yes, but I don’t think I could eat a whole one”


The wonderful photos are by Stisnprtisn!

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6 thoughts on “No Boston Terriers Were Harmed

  1. MaryHope Schoenfeld

    She’s not much bigger than that Boston! Looks like fun! 🙂

    • Actually there’s quite a size difference, but Java is hunkering down in play and you can’t see it. She really surprised me with how gentle she was, because with Ruby she can get quite rough.

  2. Ruby: Noooo, don’t eat that bat! … Wait for me!

  3. That is so funny!!! 😀

  4. Laura

    I just can’t stop laughing on the quote!! 😀

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